Colorblind test for Kids



About ‘Colorblind test for Kids’

There are 10 animals hide in the dots. The child’s task is to say what animal is seen. Please help your children to operate the test. The test is playful and cute, but its sensitivity stays behind the Colorlite red-green test. If you suspect your child is color blind, we recommend that you try the Colorlite red-green test as well. The task is there: where the donut was bitten (in other words where the gap is in the ring).

The maximum score on the test is 10, and the number of errors allowed is 0. The test has a sensitivity of 78.95% and a specificity of 93.55%. The positive predictive value of the test was 95.47% and the negative predictive value was 70.73%.

color blind test kids sensitivity

This method is not a formal diagnosis and you should always check with an optometrist for confirmation as it is really important for color blind children to be formally diagnosed so that they can access proper support at school. If your child is diagnosed, don’t forget to tell the school. Several color blind test books have been created for children. color blind test PIP2

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Early Symptoms of Color Vision Deficiency in Children

The main symptoms of color blindness in children are difficulty in distinguishing colors and making mistakes when identifying colors. However, many color blind children can learn to identify colors correctly even if they don’t see them in the same way as people with normal color vision do. For example, children quickly learn that a fire engine is ‘red’ and when they see other items which look the same color as a fire engine they will identify that as ‘red’ too.

• Using the wrong colors when drawing/painting an object – e.g. purple leaves on trees, green faces
• Low attention span when coloring in worksheets
• Denial of color issues
• Problems in identifying red or green color pencils or any color pencil with red or green in its composition. (e.g. distinguishing purple from blue, pink from grey, red from brown etc.)
Identification of colors may be made worse by low level lights, working with small areas of color and colors of the same hue, conversely they may find colors are easier to distinguish between in good natural daylight. Color blind children may be reluctant to color in pictures or want to play counting, sorting or other games with colored blocks, beads, dice etc. or they may love to do all of these activities but sometimes appear confused when taking part. 
color blind kidIf you think your child might be color blind don’t waste any time finding out if they are. You should be suspicious if there are any color blind men on the mother’s side of the family – these could be uncles, great uncles, cousins and grandfathers. By age 5 children with normal color vision will be able to identify all of the groups of colors in a couple of seconds.
If your child shows signs that they are not sure whether a color is red, green, brown, purple, blue or grey, there is a reasonable chance that they are red/green color blind. Before you start ask them which colors are the easiest for them to identify. You should expect a red/green color blind child to be able to identify bright blue and yellow (they can identify these colors by brightness and shade). Make sure you include these colors so that they do not get the impression that they aren’t clever enough for the game.
If you are suspicious that your child might be color blind, whatever you do, do not follow up this exercise by questioning them about colors of items around the house. If you do this they may clam up and this can affect their confidence.



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