HRR Test


The HRR test is very accurate in diagnosing the different types and severity of color vision deficiency. It is widely used (especially in the USA) to screen for color blindness in professions such as aviation or military. Basic shapes should be recognized, which are placed in different positions in the image. Cole et al's showed 100% sensitivity and 97.5% specificity (for 2 errors) and 98% for 3 errors for the HRR test.

color blind test HRR4 600x400 equal

The test was developed in 1945 by Hardy, Rand and Rittler. The original version contained 24 images, but since then several versions and modifications have been made. The new test versions classified subjects as either protan or deutan type of CVD with high accuracy. In addition, mild tritan color deficient subjects were misdiagnosed as normal in the original test, but not in the new versions.

In the online version, you are asked to identify shapes in four different positions (bottom, top, or right or left), which can be ◯ - circle, X, △▽◁▷ - or four triangles pointing in possible directions.

HRR colors 600x471 equal

Colorimetric data of the HRR test colors.


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